NDNcomm 2015 Hackathon Participant Guide
NDNcomm website
Call for Projects
Hackathon Results
Best of Hackathon
Congratulations to the Demonstrate NDN over Bluetooth LE on the Arduino team for winning the Best of Hackathon prize!
Accepted Projects
(Projects selected by participants in bold.)
- NDN Applications Certificate Issuing Service
- Two-factor Authentication with NDN Certificates and Trust Model
- Access Control with NFN
- World Wide Web over NDN
- Certificate Issue for Traditional Web Applications
- Create Pilot Energy Dashboard using NDN-JS
- Adopt Mini-NDN for Testing Any Project Based on NFD
- NFD on Windows
- New Cache Decision Policies for NFD
- NFD Web Control panel
- Clock Setup for Devices without Hardware RTC
- Port NDN-RTC to Ubuntu Linux
- Provide Local Prefix Discovery in NDN-CCL
- Demonstrate NDN over Bluetooth LE on the Arduino
- Hack in NDNS Code to be Simulated using the Latest ndnSIM
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and ongoing snacks are provided
All participants will choose one project to work on. Projects with only 1 participant will be cancelled.
Use GitHub to coordinate projects
- Each project will have own source control, wiki, issue tracker, chat (via gitter).
- Projects will be aggregated under an NDNcomm GitHub organization
- Expect work to wrap up Sunday evening so participants can enjoy NDNcomm.
Projects will be presented at 2 poster session-style events
- Sunday: Hackathon judging and awards
- Monday: Concurrently during NDNcomm poster session to attendees
- We anticipate overlap between hackathon and poster session participants.
- Judging criteria includes:
- creativity
- project requirement satisfaction
- contribution to the advancement of NDN
- NDN idiomaticness
Action Items BEFORE the Hackathon
- Please email your GitHub ID to
Action Items DURING the Hackathon
- Connect Gitter to your repository
- Gitter is a chatroom that can be associated with your GitHub repository. This should help you and your team share information. Gitter has a number of nice features like GitHub markdown support.
- Hack!
- Focus on proof of concept and demonstrating feasibility rather than polish.
- Documentation and tutorial projects should include running example code.
- Create web page explaining project at
using GitHub Pages.
- Include: team members, problem statement(s), approach(es), what does and does not work, future TODOs, and opportunities for future collaboration.
- Documentation projects should describe the initial state, what kinds changes were made (e.g. how-tos guides, enhanced code comments, improved developer guides, etc.).
- Present your project to the panel of judges.
- We encourage every team member to present their contribution.
- Projects will be judged on the content of their project, web page, and presentation.
This is intentionally sparse because most time will be spent hacking. Please take breaks and talk things over as you wish.
Saturday, 9/26
- Breakfast (9 am)
- Project Idea Pitches (10 mins) (10 am)
- Form small (< 8) groups based on interests
- Hack
- Lunch
- Hack
- Dinner and unwind social event (TBD) (6pm)
- Close (8pm)
Sunday, 9/27
- Breakfast (9 am)
- Hack
- Lunch
- Hack
- Project presentation and judging (5:30pm - 6:30pm)
- Dinner (6:30pm - 8:30pm)
- Award presentations (8:30pm - 9pm)
- Close (9pm)
Monday, 9/28
- NDNcomm!
- Hackathon project presentation prep (~30 mins) before reception
- Project presentations during reception/poster session.